So I’ve got a bit of a backlog of books I wanted to get into and I’ve essentially wasted a day or two deciding. What to do, what to do… These are the options I’m looking at:
God’s Demon – Was a blind buy at a used book store where the cover caught my eye and the description looked interesting. One of the top demons in Hell, a fallen angel, decides he was wrong and tries to get back into Heaven.
WWW: Wake – Gaga reviews from the science fiction book club coerced me into getting this one. First in a trilogy. In it, a blind girl gets an experimental surgery to give her sight. She ends up seeing the web and a consciousness (Skynet) growing. Or something like that.
Neuromancer – The book that coined the term ‘cyberpunk’. It’s supposed to be a classic and that makes me nervous. If it’s good fine, but what if it sucks? This is why Seven Samurai hasn’t been watched yet.
What to do, what to do…